Monday, June 14, 2010

Week one of PT

Week one of Potty Training has gone better then I ever thought. We've barely had any issues. Sorry I haven't been on here blogging. I went to the ER room Saturday because of intense neck pain. I had it for three days before and just couldn't take it anymore. They sent me home with Pain killers and I am starting to feel better. I haven't been taking them around the clock like I should, but I'm just one of those people that hate taking meds. Yesterday we went over to GaGa's for our Sunday Pool Party. Sean did amazing he was like a fish out of water. I've never seen him have so much fun. He cried when it was time to go home. I don't know what happen along the way, but some where some how he just didn't like the pool. Now he loves it! Reese is a baby tadpole (what my mom calls her) she just kicks her feet and has a great time. Yesterday was a good time. Now on to packing up a week worth of stuff cause we'll be hanging out on Marco Island with my mother in law. I'm so happy to see her. This is the 1st time for her to meet her granddaughter too. She bring Erica & Mackayla to play with Sean and of course Doug will be there. I can't wait to see them. Safe Trip Guys see you soon.

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About Me

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I'm a mommy of two Sean & Reese. I'm a wife. I'm a semi-pro photographer. I love the outdoors.
