Reese is going to be 8 months old next week. I can't bare to think about how big she is getting. This is a picture of her playing in the grass of course it goes straight to the mouth yummy!

To bad the afternoon showers pulled through that she couldn't play much longer. She was all over the place outside.

Her new favorite room. She loves playing with all Sean's toys. She been crawling everywhere and anywhere. She getting quicker too.

She also started to pull herself up on the couches already it's nuts how much she wants to walk. Thank goodness she hasn't started standing yet cause I know I'm in trouble.

She has tons of personality and it's still coming out. She loves blowing kisses it's the cutest thing ever.

What!?! Your making me sleep in my crib tonight. Yes you heard that right, I'm not asking you to judge me; Reese has been sleeping in my bed since she was born. I'm the lightest sleeper you'll ever met. I can hear when the sink is dripping in the bathroom. Also, I'm still breastfeed and she wakes up at least twice a night. Having two crabby babies just didn't make sense to me since there cribs are in the same room. Now that she can crawl and we had the extra money to get her a crib set it was more then time. She got this really cute Pink & Brown pasiley crib set.

It 1st night went amazing. She use to fall asleep by herself on my king size bed. She only woke up once which she was hungry so once she was full I laid her back down in her crib without a problem. She an early bird so when she woke up at 7am I took her into my bed so Sean can finish sleeping. He's sleeps in late just like his Mommy. Reese actually went back to sleep this morning and woke up at 9am.

Little miss princess has been giving me a run for my money lately. She hates baby food and wants big people food so bad. I've been giving her table food, but she takes forever to eat it. She hate formula which I actually don't blame her that stuff stinks!!! Reese is drinking from a sippy cup just juice but it's something :)
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