Dear friends, family, & blog addicts,
We are making life decision lately and when it came down to it we are sorry to say we are leaving the sunshine state behide. Adam & I have weighed the pros & cons on our decision and we've decided that we are moving to Oklahoma. We are doing this to change the future for our children. We just can't make a living here no matter how hard we try. Two business and nothing to show for either of them. No one really hire around here either. We are going to pack up our lives and move them out to Okla. It's a scary thing for me to actually sit down and think about, but when it's all said and done I'm sure I won't regret my decision. Why Oklahoma you ask? Well there a number of reason for going out that way. Adam Mom, Stepdad, Grandmother, Cousin, & so on live in Oklahoma. Two, good old country life away from the ever expanding Southwest Florida. Three, somewhere safe for our children. Every single month another kid goes missing or even better yet my car got broken into and we live in a gated community! I know your saying to your self it happens everywhere, but keep in mind that it's doesn't happen all the time in other places. Four, weather, season, snow I'm just excited to play in the snow with my children. I've only seen in once my whole lifetime. Yes, I know it gets to be annoying after a while and what not, but let me figure that out for myself. Five, Jobs are endless out there and we can't say that about here. Five, Living cost is way cheaper. To Rent a house can cost anywhere between $400-$700 which here is at least $1,000-$1,500. Six, photography would be easier for me to make a name for myself out there considering there only about 2 photographers out there. Seven, my mother in law could help baby sit the babies while I help bring the bread home and get a part time job. I could go on and on, but don't get me wrong there is some down parts of moving out there, such as, leaving my mommy, sisters, uncles, aunt, cousins, Adam's Dad, old friends and my new photography friends. Considering Florida is the only thing I know since I was born, I'm going to be a bit lost out there in a new state. Don't worry about me I will figure it out and be just fine. We are going to be leaving about November. I feel bad for all the heartache we've caused with my mom & his dad, but I know they understand. So with this all off my chest. Here to new beginnings in a new state!
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