Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Reese birth story

So my little baby girl is turning one tomorrow. What better of a way to celebrate her birth by telling the story of it. October 20th @ 8pm I went to Physician Regional Hospital to be induced. My mom drove me while hubby stayed and hung out with Sean before he went down to sleep. When we got there I put on my hospital gown and got all hooked up to monitors. The nurse came in to see if I was dilated at all. Nurse say " Wow" all of sudden. I asked whats wrong. She told me nothing but I was already Dilated to 5cm. Instead of hooking me up to IV with potoicin they just let me go for the night to see if I would progress by myself. I didn't and it was a long night I couldn't fall asleep at all. I was so nervous that it was going to hurt as much as it did with Sean. 8am doctor rolls in to check my progress 5 1/2cm. He tells the nurse to go ahead induce me so I progress quicker. Let me tell you I was progress so quick that I was doubled over in so much pain I couldn't even keep my eyes open I was in so much pain. I finally gave in and asked for an epidural. My 1st epidural didn't work so they had to put in another epidural fun I know. Come 11:08am I was ready to push. I couldn't feel my legs at all cause of the epidural. Two pushes and Reese was in the doctors hands hanging upside down. I couldn't believe how quick she came out. Reese was born October 21, 2009 @ 11:15pm!! She was 8lbs and 20inches long. She was so tiny looking.

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About Me

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I'm a mommy of two Sean & Reese. I'm a wife. I'm a semi-pro photographer. I love the outdoors.
